Cyber People
What happens when we all record our existence 24 hours a day seven days a week? When privacy comes only in controlled environments and any public venue is an always on recorded experience. "I'm ready for my close up Mr. Deville." This radical change to society is little understood by the general populace and the reaction that seems to be the strongest is a pervasive fear of the loss of privacy. Unfortunately this like the whole genetics debate is like Pandora trying to close the lid after the problems has escaped, but just like in the myth we still have hope. The debate needs to move beyond the initial phase of how to stop the loss of privacy into the reality of how to regulate this new cyber society. It is no longer a question of if this will happen but how soon.We need to start a dialog on where to set the taboo bar. As an example it is a future date and Dr. Steve Mann's vision of putting a camera in a contact lens is a reality. We are now able to use a wireless feed from your contact to a wearable computer which records your daily life. This makes the obvious shoulder mounted video camera a thing of the past. At any time any place you could be recorded and you would never even realize it. Some taboo recording environments are easy to define, bathrooms, locker rooms others are not so easy to define. Defining these rules of recorded existence is what we should be debating and trying to define what is a realistic expectation of privacy. MORE..
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